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Where is beta 2?

I play on closed beta 2 and I also need a map.
I will pay!
BR, Merzaff

merzaff , 12.03.2012, 08:24
Response from the site administrator
limitium, 12.04.2012
Thx to vegacyrezz!!!
Close beta 2 added.
Amazing cb2 in 1.5 times bigger than all other worlds!
Idea status: completed


limitium, 12.03.2012, 08:45
Thx bro, but currently i have account only on beta 3 server. And i can't get data from others. If you can provide access to another servers, then i can collect information from them.
merzaff, 12.03.2012, 08:50
Couild you give me your application to grab data?
Csiguci, 15.03.2012, 15:01
Beta is open! You can create an account on SRv2 too :)
Your tool is writen in which lang? (PhP, .Net, Python, Rubby etc? )
limitium, 15.03.2012, 15:08
Is server2 not full? I'll look.
Grabber and data generation on PHP, Data render - JavaScript
limitium, 15.03.2012, 15:21
I have checked 1 and 2 servers are full. I can't connect to them :( only 4 is now open
Devy, 16.03.2012, 11:14
I have access to Beta2 and PHP is good for me
Can You send it to me? I will send back the data to You
(or you have any informatio about webservice methods on CC side? then i try write a grabber :), but i think Your grabber is working :) use same is the best solution :) )

Mode, 21.03.2012, 18:39
Could you make it also for the new servers? world 6 and 7 :P
limitium, 22.03.2012, 11:08
6 7 already done 5 and welt 1 will be added today

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