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Add Option to "Hide" players with "no alliance".

Most ruins are players with "no alliance". Some ruins may be in alliance but they are often removed...

This will also make the map more clear to see groups of active players.

Also an extension of this could be to hide alliances too, but this would make it more complicated...

BlackTalos , 12.04.2012, 12:04
Idea status: under consideration


Navy's, 12.04.2012, 12:19
I think that would clear up the map, good idea.
no@email.org, 18.04.2012, 10:35
Navyys, 18.04.2012, 11:46
#111111 actually works better, but its still coloring, so it hides other bases and you can still see it.

The idea would be more of a #transparent but it doesn't exist (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070507072903AAsDNnE)
limitium, 18.04.2012, 12:29
background color is #161616 there is no transparent color in html. But filters will be added in new version of map
Navyys, 18.04.2012, 12:55
That would be perfect =)

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