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Is it possible for you to make the map auto update..

Are you having to update the map yourself? is that why it takes so long between them?

Is it not possible to make it update on its own once every 3-4hrs or something?

Graham Bone , 16.04.2012, 20:30
Response from the site administrator
limitium, 16.04.2012
Read this plz about new collector http://c-c-map.idea.informer.com/proj/?ia=47748
Now I reach limit on my hosting. To update one world I need 2hr and around 27000 request. And I have to update 15 worlds, some worlds I updated manualy on my house comp.
Hope new collector help to solve updates timeouts, but I need realy fast database to store all worlds there
Idea status: completed


limitium, 25.04.2012, 22:02
now we have more frequent updates

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