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User based Map

When entering a nickname, show like it's own, who are from same alliance in Blue, opponents in Red, friends in Green, non attacking in white and unkown in orange.

Give Function to Display only specific Levels: Show over Level 10...
Only show User whom are not in saftey mode...
Put POI's into map.
Let User choose to load only data of specific sector (prevents Lag...)

hope everthing is understandful!

Chris , 01.06.2012, 20:02
Response from the site administrator
limitium, 01.06.2012
Yes, Boss
Idea status: under consideration


madacb, 28.06.2012, 23:30
I also would love to see to see alliances, friends, and enemies at a glance, instead of having to check against diplomacy status, and manually set a color. I agree that the default colors should match game,
Alliance: Blue
Friends: Green
Enemies: Red
NAP: White
Other/no status: Orange
I would also like to see those colors for the territory (background) of each base, making it easier to see the battlelines, as suggested elsewhere.

The other filters mentioned above would be nice, but not as important as alliance/enemy information.
I see that you've already implemented some of the suggestions here -- great job, I LOVE the work you're doing!
limitium, 03.07.2012, 17:57
No there isn't information about diplomacy of alliances. I can't do anything with this
teej, 31.01.2013, 07:31
I love this idea and was about to suggest it myself.

The map is really great and useful but so much is done in a sector using sector boundaries (in world 30 anyway) but its almost impossible to work out which sector everything is in without cross referencing different maps.

Please could yo uadd a layer to your map that can show sector bourdaries or filter to show only a specific sector :D
limitium, 31.01.2013, 07:40
What do u mean for "sector boundaries"?
Teej, 31.01.2013, 12:36
So if you use the in game world map (one for relocating) its has sectors (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).

Those sector boundaries.

atm i'm using your drawing function but my lines arn't straight.

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