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Ability to highlight alliance from base info.

Currently, clicking on a base will highlight their alliance in white (until you click again, or on another alliance base). Hovering your mouse over a base also displays an info box to the top-left.

My suggestion:
* When clicking on a base, the info box for that base stays visible until you deselect the base, or select another base. However, mousing over another base will still show the temporary info box over the 'frozen' one.
* Now in the 'frozen' info box will be an additional option to highlight that player's alliance in the same way as if from the list on the right but without having to search for it. This could also (but not necessarily) be expanded upon in future to include the ability to highlight individual players or even bases (but without requiring a list of them all).

Iakovosian, 08.08.2012, 14:15
Response from the site administrator
limitium, 15.08.2012
I thought about this and it should be done!
Idea status: completed


limitium, 02.10.2012, 21:19

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